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香辣鸡腿堡 crispy and spicy chicken leg (bao: come from hamberger, but in western food, hamberger only refers to beef, so this chicken type is a sandwich, but in the us resterant, they ususlly don't mark sandwich or hamberger)劲脆鸡腿堡 crispy chicken
田园脆鸡堡 kentucky fried chicken (sandwich)
墨西哥鸡肉卷 mexico style chicken roll
老北京鸡肉卷 old beijing chicken roll (this is something new in china)
新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡 new orleans roasted chicken
吮指原味鸡 chicken nugget
薯条 french fries
土豆泥 mashed potato
香甜粟米棒 corn on a cob
芙蓉鲜蔬汤 fu yong vegetable soup (this is new in china)
四季鲜蔬 four seasons fresh vegetables
玉米沙拉 corn salad
上校鸡块 kentucky fried chicken
新奥尔良烤翅 new orleans roasted chicken wing
香辣鸡翅 crispy and spicy chicken wing
圣代 sandies
雪顶咖啡 iced coffee
芝士蛋堡 cheese egg sandwich (for breakfast)
香菇鸡肉粥 mushroom and chicken congee
是哪九个啊,我把所有的名称都给你吧(没有音标哦,呵呵,望采纳哦)胡萝卜餐包 carrot meal package
脆皮甜筒 crispy cones
鸡味土豆泥 chicken mashed potatoes
香甜粟米棒 sweet corn sticks
芙蓉鲜蔬汤furong fresh vegetables soup
玉米沙拉(标准装/家庭装)corn salad (standard loading / home equipment)
百事可乐/七喜/美年达pepsi / seven-up / mirinda
葡式蛋挞portuguese egg tart
薯条 french fries
香柚蜂蜜茶honey tea
圣代(草莓/巧克力) saint-generation (strawberry / chocolate)
柠乐 le-ning
八娇果汁jiao eight juice
九珍果汁 9 jane juice
吮指原味鸡 suck means chicken flavor
劲爆鸡米花madden chicken rice flower
田园脆鸡堡 pastoral crispy chicken fort
香辣鸡翅 spicy chicken wings
深海鳕鱼条deep-sea cod article
新奥尔良烤翅new orleans grilled wings
雪顶咖啡snow top coffee
雪顶爱尔兰咖啡 snow top irish coffee
上校鸡块 chicken colonel
老北京鸡肉卷old beijing chicken roll
墨西哥鸡肉卷mexican chicken roll
香辣鸡腿堡spicy chicken fort
劲脆鸡腿堡jin crispy chicken fort
深海鳕鱼堡deep-sea cod fort
新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡 new orleans roast chicken fort
川辣嫩牛五方 sichuan spicy tender cow five
外带全家桶outer barrel family
雪顶咖啡冰淇淋ice coffee and sundae草莓水果圣代 strawberry sundae
芋香水果圣代 taro sundae
巧克力奶昔 chocolate milk shake
哈蜜瓜汁 cantaloupe juice
乌梅汁ume juice
香草冰沙 vanilla slushie
鲜柳橙冰沙 fresh citrus slushie
珍珠奶茶 bubble tea
巧克力奶茶 chocolate milk tea
芒果水果捞mango fruity mixed
什锦水果捞mixed friut
龟苓膏tortoise jelly
泡沫红茶foam black tea
泡沫绿茶foam green tea
绿茶 :green tea
太平猴魁 :taiping houkui tea (green tea)
西湖龙井 :xihu longjing tea (green tea)
信阳毛尖 :xinyang maojian tea (green tea)
碧螺春 :biluochun tea (green tea)
毛尖茶 :maojian tea (green tea)
日本煎茶 :japanese green tea
大红袍 :dahongpao tea(wuyi mountain rock tea)
安溪铁观音 :anxi tieguanyin tea (oolong tea)
台湾阿里山乌龙 :taiwan alishan oolong tea
台湾冻顶乌龙 :taiwan dongding oolong tea
台湾金萱乌龙 :taiwan jinxuan oolong tea
台湾人参乌龙 :taiwan ginsen oolong tea
君山银针 :junshan silver needle tea
大白毫 :white milli- silver needle tea
茉莉花茶 :jasmine tea
茉莉大白毫 :jasmine silver needle tea
牡丹绣球 :peony jasmine tea
台湾桂花乌龙 :taiwan cassia oolong tea
普洱 :pu 'er tea
陈年普洱 :aged pu 'er tea
陈年普洱(31年) :31-year pu 'er tea
红茶 :black tea
祁门红茶 :keemun black tea
立顿红茶 :lipton black tea
大吉岭茶 :darjeeling tea
伯爵茶 :earl grey tea
薄荷锡兰茶 :mint tea
冻顶乌龙 :dongding oolong tea
绿毛峰 :lvmaofeng tea
八宝茶 :assorted chinese herbal tea
薰衣草茶 :lavender tea
意大利桔茶 :italian orange tea
俄罗斯红茶 :russian black tea
梅子红茶 :greengage black tea
菊花茶 :chrysanthemum tea
茶饮料 tea drinks
冰茶 :iced tea
冰红(绿)茶 :iced black tea / iced green tea
冰奶茶 :iced milk tea
港式奶茶 :hot tea, hk style
巧克力奶茶 :chocolate milk tea
冰巧克力奶茶 :iced chocolate milk tea
草莓奶茶 :strawberry milk tea
花生奶茶 :peanut milk tea
哈密瓜奶茶 :hami melon milk tea
椰香奶茶 :coconut milk tea
芋香奶茶 :taro milk tea
热柠檬茶 :hot lemon tea
冰柠檬茶 :iced lemon tea
菠萝果茶 :pineapple tea
菠萝冰茶 :iced pineapple tea
黑莓冰茶 :iced blackberry tea
草莓冰茶 :iced strawberry tea
蓝莓冰茶 :iced blueberry tea
芒果冰茶 :iced mango tea
蜜桃冰茶 :iced peach tea
香蕉冰茶 :iced banana tea
奇异果冰茶 :iced kiwi tea
瓜子sunflower seeds
鱼皮花生fishskin peanut
琥珀花生amber peanut
皮糖tegument sugar
人参糖ginseng sugar
羊羹sheep soup
地瓜干sweet potato slices
dried pork slices 猪肉片
confection 糖果
glace fruit 蜜饯
marmalade 果酱
dried persimmon 柿饼
candied melon 冬瓜糖
red jujube 红枣
black date 黑枣
glace date 蜜枣
dried longan 桂圆干
raisin 葡萄干
butter biscuit 奶酥
rice cake 年糕
moon cake 月饼
green bean cake 绿豆糕
popcorn 爆米花
chocolate 巧克力
marrons glaces 唐炒栗子
soya-bean milk 豆浆
syrup of plum 酸梅汤
tomato juice 番茄汁
orange juice 橘子汁
coconut milk 椰子汁
asparagus juice 芦荟汁
grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁
tea leaves 茶叶
black tea 红茶
jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)
tea bag 茶包
lemon tea 柠檬茶
white goup tea 冬瓜茶